Editorial policy

Submitted articles must be original and unpublished, and should not be under review in any other journal.

Peer review:

All manuscripts will be subjected to a standard double blind peer review process. The editorial board shall send every author the reviewer’s anonymous report, and they should respond in accordance with the recommendations received. Only then the manuscript will be approved. The editorial board reserves the right to reject any original work that they consider to be unsuitable and to propose any necessary amendments. The statements and opinions expressed in the articles, including possible errors or falseness, are the sole responsibility of their author/s.

Intellectual Property ownership:

Approved articles become the property of the AMJ, and they should not be partly or fully reproduced without their permission. Once their work is published, authors sign over exclusive rights to the AMJ for the publication, reproduction, distribution, translation and public communication (in any media or format – audio, video, electronic files, etc.) of their work. Authors also grant AMJ editorial board the right to include their article in national and international indexes or databases. A letter signing over rights to AMJ shall therefore be issued and sent, together with the original work via the online manuscripts management system.

Conflict of interest:

Editors who make final decisions about manuscripts, should recuse themselves from editorial decisions if they have relationships or activities that pose potential conflicts related to articles under consideration. Other editorial staff members who participate in editorial decisions must provide editors with a current description of their relationships and activities (as they might relate to editorial judgments) and recuse themselves from any decisions in which an interest that poses a potential conflict exists. Editorial staff must not use information gained through working with manuscripts for private gain. Editors should regularly publish their own disclosure statements and those of their journal staff. Guest editors should follow these same procedures.


Editors must treat all articles submitted to the AMJ in full confidence. Reviewers are required to strictly respect the confidentiality of the peer review process and not reveal any details of an article or its review, during or after the peer-review process, beyond the information released by the journal.

Change in authorship:

Change in authorship: Any changes to the author’s list after submission of the article to the journal, for example deleting or adding authors, changing order of authors, must be approved by every author through a written note to the editorial office. The note should provide the initial list of the authors and then provide list of the newly proposed name and order of the authors including rational for the changes. The final list should be fully signed by all authors; in case signing by all authors is not possible the corresponding author may sign on their behalf provided he share the correspondence with the authors. Any change in the authorship is not permitted after acceptance of a manuscript

Process and criteria for selection of editors for the journal:

AMJ may appoint editors based on set criteria including education background, good record of publication and extensive experience in relation to the scope of the journal. An editor should have at least the following criteria:

  1. Should have at least a Master degree in a health-related area, doctorate degree is highly desired. Editor in Chief must have doctorate degree in a specific field.
  2. Should have substantial experience in line with the scope of the journal
  3. Should have a good record of publication in international peer reviewed journals (for editors at least 10 manuscripts published in international peer reviewed journals, editor in chief should at least have published 15 manuscripts in the international peer reviewed journals.)